BC Topo Map Beaverdell
This recreation topographic map for the Myra-Bellvue Provincial Park area highlights all the logging roads, trails and recreational Points of Interest including hunting, camping, hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, wildlife viewing, ATVing, snowmobiling and more. No other map for the area provides you with this level of recreational or topographic detail. Special features include private land and countless roads, trails and recreational Points of Interest. Covering 1,950 km2 (750 mi2) in total, this 1:65,000 scale map measures 38 x 51 km (23.5 x 32 mi) and includes Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park, Hydraulic Lake, Beaverdell, Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park, Idleback Lake and more!Ê
This map also covers the following Wildlife Management Units: WMU 8-10 Okanagan, WMU 8-11 Okanagan, WMU 8-12 Okanagan, WMU 8-9 Okanagan.
Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park - Thompson Okanagan BC comes in both Print and Digital Versions. The printed version is printed on 61 x 94 cm (24 x 37 inch) paper and comes folded on a durable waterproof synthetic material standard paper with the option to have the map come unfolded, as a Wall Map in two different sizes. The Wall Map options have been customized to display nicely and fit into common picture frame sizes so you can hang on the cabin, home or workshop wall.